Subject |
Property |
Sub-Property |
ID |
Type |
Description |
Note |
Reference |
Origination |
Authorisation |
Obstacle | Obstacle identifier | | 614 | Text | Unique identifier of obstacle | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, AIP ENR 5.4.1, AIP AD 2.10.1 a), AIP AD 2.10.3 a) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Geometry type | | 615 | Code list | An indication whether the obstacle is a point, line or polygon. | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Horizontal position | | 616 | Point\nLine\nPolygon | Horizontal position of obstacle | Obstacles in Area 1 / Obstacles in Area 2 (including 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, take-off flight path area and obstacle limitation surfaces) / Obstacles in Area 3 / Obstacles in Area 4 | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, Annex 14 Vol I 2.5.5, AIP ENR 5.4.3, AIP AD 2.10.1 c), AIP AD 2.10.3 c) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Horizontal extent | | 617 | Distance | Horizontal extent of the obstacle | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Elevation | | 618 | Elevation | Elevation of the highest point of the obstacle. | Obstacles in Area 1 / Obstacles in Area 2 (including 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, take-off flight path area and obstacle limitation surfaces) / Obstacles in Area 3 / Obstacles in Area 4 | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, Annex 14 Vol I 2.5.5, AIP ENR 5.4.4, AIP AD 2.10.1 d), AIP AD 2.10.3 d) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Height | | 619 | Height | Height of the obstacle above ground | Obstacles in Area 1 / Obstacles in Area 2 (including 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, take-off flight path area and obstacle limitation surfaces) / Obstacles in Area 3 / Obstacles in Area 4 | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, AIP ENR 5.4.4, AIP AD 2.10.1 d), AIP AD 2.10.3 d) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Type | | 620 | Text | Type of obstacle | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, Annex 14 Vol I 2.5.5, AIP ENR 5.4.2, AIP AD 2.10.1 b), AIP AD 2.10.3 b) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Date and time stamp | | 621 | Date | Date and time the obstacle was created | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Operations | | 622 | Text | Feature operations of mobile obstacles | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Effectivity | | 623 | Text | Effectivity of temporary types of obstacles | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Lighting | Colour | 628 | Text | Colour of the obstacle lighting | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2 | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| | Type | 627 | Text | Type of lighting | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, Annex 14 Vol I 2.5.5, AIP ENR 5.4.5, AIP AD 2.10.1 e), AIP AD 2.10.3 e) | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Marking | | 625 | Text | Type of marking of obstacle | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, Annex 14 Vol I 2.5.5 | AD-I AD-F AD-H Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Material | | 626 | Text | Predominant surface material of the obstacle | | AMDB | | |
| Operator / Owner | | 995 | Text | Name and Contact information of obstacle operator or owner | | Doc 10066 App 6 Table A6-2, AIS-AIM SG 12 | Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Designation | Registration number | 1061 | Text | Registration number of obstacle in Swiss Obstacle Database | | AIP, VFRM and WEGOM | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| | NOTAM Nr | 1062 | Text | Nr of NOTAM the obstacle has first been published with | | AIP, VFRM and WEGOM | SG AIM-AIS | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| | Reference | 1063 | Text | Reference to aerodrome | | AIP, VFRM and WEGOM | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| | Runway / Area | 1064 | Text | Runway or AOC affected by obstacle | | AIP, VFRM and WEGOM | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Coord Swissgrid | | 1060 | Point Line | Horizontal position of obstacle in Swiss Grid coordniate system (CH1903/LV03, EPSG 21781) | | VFRM | Obstacle Owner | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
| Position Description | | 1067 | Text | Description of the position of the obstacle relative to a map point or ARP | | VFRM | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD | FOCA-SIAP-LFHD |
Obstacle limitation surface | Name | | 1141 | Text | Name of OLS | | Annex 14 Vol I Ch 4, Vol II Ch 3 | AD-I AD-F AD-H | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
| Type | | 1142 | Code list | Type of OLS | | Annex 14 Vol I Ch 4, Vol II Ch 3 | AD-I AD-F AD-H | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
| TIN | | 1143 | Surface3D | Limitation surface represented as a TIN | | | AD-I AD-F AD-H | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
AOC surface | Name | | 1144 | Text | Name of AOC | | Annex 4 Ch 3 | AD-I | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
| TIN | | 1145 | Surface3D | AOC surface represented as a TIN | | | AD-I | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
VASIS protection surface | Name | | 1146 | Text | Name of VASI protection surface | | Annex 14 Vol I 5.3.5 | AD-I AD-F | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
| TIN | | 1147 | Surface3D | VASI protection surface represented as a TIN | | | AD-I AD-F | FOCA-SIAP-AD |
CNS protection surface | Name | | 1148 | Text | Name of CNS protection surface | | | SG NAV SG COM SG SUR | FOCA-SILR-CNS |
| Type | | 1149 | Code list | Type of CNS protection surface | | | SG NAV SG COM SG SUR | FOCA-SILR-CNS |
| TIN | | 1150 | Surface3D | Protection surface represented as a TIN | | | SG NAV SG COM SG SUR | FOCA-SILR-CNS |
PANS-OPS surface | Name | | 1151 | Text | Name of PANS-OPS surface | | Doc 8168 Vol.II | SG PANS-OPS | FOCA-SIFS |
| Type | | 1152 | Code list | Type of PANS-OPS surface | | Doc 8168 Vol.II | SG PANS-OPS | FOCA-SIFS |
| TIN | | 1153 | Surface3D | PANS-OPS surface represented as a TIN | | | SG PANS-OPS | FOCA-SIFS |
Obstacle coverage area | Name | | 1154 | Text | Name of geographic area for which obstacle data is provided | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |
| Type | | 1155 | Code list | Type of Area (1, 2a-d, 3, 4) for which obstacle data is provided | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |
| Boundary | | 1156 | Polygon | Geographic boundary of the area | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |
Terrain coverage area | Name | | 1157 | Text | Name of geographic area for which Terrain data is provided | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |
| Type | | 1158 | Code list | Type of Area (1, 2a-d, 3, 4) for which Terrain data is provided | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |
| Boundary | | 1159 | Polygon | Geographic boundary of the area | | Annex 15 Ch 5 | AD-I | FOCA-SILR-AIM |