AIM Data Catalogue

Number of rows : 144
Subject Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Origination Authorisation
Procedure IdentificationMultiple Code860TextA single letter suffix, starting with the letter z following the radio navigation aid type shall be used if two or more procedures to the same runway cannot be distinguished by the radio navigation aid type only. For example:\nVOR y Rwy 20\nVOR z Rwy 20APCHDoc 8168 Vol II Part I.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Runway 858TextThe runway designator of the landing and take-off direction. Examples: 27, 35L, 01R.Doc 8168 Vol II Part I.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
FAS Guidance857Code listThe name describing the type of radio navigation aid providing the final approach lateral guidance. This could be: ILS, VOR, RNAV, etcAPCHDoc 8168 Vol II Part I.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Name862TextName of the instrument flight procedureDoc 8168 Vol II Part I.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
NS Limiter861TextSensor specific information in case of a limitation of usePBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II Part III.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Circling859Code listIndication if a procedure is/ is not a circling approachAPCHDoc 8168 Vol II Part I.; Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.22, AIP AD 2.23, AIP AD 2.24; Annex 4 11.6 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Plain Language DesignationValidity Indicator864TextThe validity indicator shall be a number from 1 to 9.SID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.1.1 2.1.3; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Route Indicator865TextThe route indicator shall be one letter of the alphabet. The letters \"I\" and \"O\" shall not be used.SID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.1.1 2.1.4; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Visual Indication867TextIndication if the route has been established for use by aircraft operating in accordance with the visual flight rules (VFR) VFR onlyAnnex 11 App 3 2.1.1; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Basic Indicator863TextThe basic indicator shall be the name or name-code of the significvant point where the standard departure route terminates.SID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.1.1 2.1.3; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Coded DesignationSignificant Point868TextThe coded designator or name-code of the significant pointSID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.2; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Route Indicator870TextThe Route Indicator of the procedureSID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.2; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Validity Indicator869TextThe Validity Indicator of the procedureSID, STARAnnex 11 App 3 2.2; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Procedure Type814Code listIndication of the type of procedure (departure, arrival, approach, other)Annex 11 App 3 2.1.1; Annex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
PBN or Conventional815Code listIndication if the procedure is PBN or ConventionalIFR onlyDoc 8168 Vol II Part III Section 5; Annex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Precision Type816TextThe instrument procedure type. Instrument approach procedures are classified as follows: \nNon-precision approach (NPA) procedure. - An instrument approach procedure which utilizes lateral guidance but does not utilize vertical guidance.\nApproach procedure with vertical guidance (APV). - An instrument procedure which utilizes lateral and vertical guidance but does not meet the requirements established for precision approach and landing operations.\nPrecision approach (PA) procedure. - An instrument approach procedure using precision lateral and vertical guidance with minima as determined by the category of operation.APCHAnnex 10 Ch 1; Annex 4 11.2.2 11.2.3SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Aircraft Category817Code listIndication of which aircraft categories the procedure is intended forAnnex 4 11.2.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Magnetic variation818AngleThe magnetic variation considered for the procedure designAnnex 4 9.7, 10.7, 11.8, 12.8; Doc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 2, 1.11 and Annex, 9.7 and 10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
OCA/HHeight874HeightThe lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway threshold or the aerodrome elevation as applicable, used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.APCHDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 4, 5.4.1; Annex 4 11.10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Approach type872Code listApproach type (e.g. Straight-in Cat I, Cat II, LLZ, Circling ...) or specific navigation aid (e.g. stepdown fixes), or a specific navigation specification APCHDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 4, 9.5.4; Annex 4 11.10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Aircraft category871Code listAircraft category according to ICAO Doc 8168 Vol I or IIAPCHDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 4, 9.5.4; Annex 4 11.10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Altitude873AltitudeThe lowest altitude used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.APCHDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 4, 5.4.1; Annex 4 11.10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
DA/HApproach type876Code listApproach type (e.g. Straight-in, Circling ...) or specific navigation aid (e.g. stepdown fixes), or a specific navigation specification APCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Altitude877AltitudeA specified altitude in a 3D instrument approach operation at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been establishedAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Height878HeightA specified height in a 3D instrument approach operation at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been establishedAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Aircraft category875Code listAircraft category according to ICAO Doc 8168 Vol I or IIAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
MDA/HHeight882HeightA specified height in a 2D instrument approach operation or circling approach operation below which descent must not be made without the required visual reference.APCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Aircraft category879Code listAircraft category according to ICAO Doc 8168 Vol I or IIAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Approach type880Code listApproach type (e.g. Straight-in, Circling ...) or specific navigation aid (e.g. stepdown fixes), or a specific navigation specification APCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Altitude881AltitudeA specified altitude in a 2D instrument approach operation or circling approach operation below which descent must not be made without the required visual reference.APCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
MSARestrictions887TextMinimum sector altitude - The lowest altitude which may be used which will provide a minimum clearance of 300 m (1 000 ft) above all objects located in an area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km (25 NM) radius centred on a radio aid to navigation.IFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Based on Fix885TextCenter of the MSAIFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Radius888ValueThe radius of each sectorIFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Altitude886AltitudeThe minimum altitude for each sectorIFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Sector start angle883AngleStart angle of a sector IFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Sector end angle884AngleEnd angle of a sectorIFR onlyDoc 8168, Vol II, Part I.4.8.2; Annex 4 9.9.3, 10.9.3, 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
TAAIF891TextTAA Intermediate Fix reference pointAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Reference point889TextTAA reference point (IAF or IF)APCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Dist To IAF892DistanceThe distance of the TAA area boundary from the IAFAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
IAF890TextTAA Initial Approach Fix reference pointAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Altitude893AltitudeThe terminal arrival altitude valueAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Sector start angle894AngleStart angle of a sector (bearing to TAA reference pointAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Sector end angle895AngleEnd angle of a sector (bearing to TAA reference point)APCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Stepdown arc896DistanceRadius of inner area with lower altitude. APCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-2-4-1; Annex 4 11.10.5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Nav Spec Name824TextA set of aircraft and flight crew requirements needed to support performance-based navigation operations within a defined airspace. There are two kinds of navigation specifications:\nRequired navigation performance (RNP) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.\nArea navigation (RNAV) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-5-1-2 1.3.4, Annex 4 9.8 10.8; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Operating minima825TextAerodrome Operating Minima - The limits of usability of an aerodrome for:\na) take-off, expressed in terms of runway visual range and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud conditions;\nb) landing in precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and\ndecision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to the category of the operation;\nc) landing in approach and landing operations with vertical guidance, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway\nvisual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H); and\nd) landing in non-precision approach and landing operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range,\nminimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H) and, if necessary, cloud conditionsAPCH, DEPDoc 9365, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 1.1.4; Annex 4 11.10.7SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
TemperatureMinimum temperature897ValueMinimum temperature referenceAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-3-4-8 4.6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Maximum temperature898ValueMaximum temperature referenceAPCH, PBN onlyDoc 8168 Vol II III-3-4-8 4.6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Remote Altimeter Source827TextCautionary note indicating the altimetry sourceAPCHDoc 8168 Vol II, Part I, Section 4, PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Proc Ref Datum828TextAirport or landing thresholdAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
PBN RequirementsNavigation specification899Code listIdentification of the navigation specification (RNAV 5, PBN 0.3 …)PBNDoc 8168 Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 1.3.4; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Functional requirements901TextAny required functionalities that are described as options in the navigation specification, that is, not included in the core navigation specification (RF required …)PBNDoc 8168 Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 1.3.4; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Navigation sensor limitations900TextAny navigation sensor limitations (GNSS required …)PBNDoc 8168 Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 1.3.4; Annex 4 9.9.4 10.9.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Procedure SegmentStart830TextIdentification of the start point of the segmentAnnex 4 a) 3) a) 2)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
End831TextIdentification of the end point or a description of the end of the segmentAnnex 4 a) 3) a) 2)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
End fix functionality832Code listIndication if the end fix is a fly-by point (A waypoint which requires turn anticipation to allow tangential interception of the next segment of a\nroute or procedure) or fly-over point (A waypoint at which a turn is initiated in order to join the next segment of a route or procedure)PBNAnnex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
End fix role833Code listIndication of the role of the end fix (MAPt, IF, IAF, FAF, MAHF…)Doc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 2, 2,2.2 Terminal Area Fixes; Annex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Procedure altitude/height834Altitude/HeightA specified altitude/height flown operationally at or above the minimum altitude/height and established to accommodate a stabilized descent ata prescribed descent gradient/angle in the intermediate/final approach segment.SID, STAR, APCH\ncertain segments onlyAnnex 4 11.10.6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
MOCA835AltitudeThe minimum altitude for a defined segment that provides the required obstacle clearance.SID, STAR, APCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Distance836DistanceGeodesic distance to the nearest tenth of a kilometer or tenth of a nautical mile between each successive\ndesignated significant point;Doc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 11.10.6 App 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
True bearing837BearingTrue track to the nearest tenth of a degree to the nearest degree between each successive\nsignificant point;SID, STAR, APCHDoc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 9.8.1 10.8.1 11.9.1 11.10.6 12.9.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Magnetic bearing838BearingMagnetic track to the nearest tenth of a degree to the nearest degree between each successive\nsignificant point;SID, STAR, APCHDoc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 9.8.1 10.8.1 11.9.1 11.10.6 12.9.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Gradient839ValueAPCH, DEPAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Speed840ValueSpeed limit at a significant point, expressed in units of 10 knots applicableAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Controlling obstacleElevation904ElevationElevation of the top of the controlling obstacleAPCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Position903PointCoordinates of the controlling obstacleAPCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Type902TextIndication if the obstacle is lit/unlit, type of obstacle (church/windturbine,…)APCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
PBN RequirementsNavigation specification1363Code listIdentification of the navigation specification (RNAV 5, PBN 0.3 …)PBN
Navigation sensor limitations1364TextAny navigation sensor limitations (GNSS required …)PBN
Functional requirements1365TextAny required functionalities that are described as options in the navigation specification, that is, not included in the core navigation specification (RF required …)PBN
Final Approach SegmentOperation type842TextA number that indicates the type of the final approach segment (e.g \"0\" is coded for a straight-in approach procedure including offset procedures.)Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Approach performance designator843TextA number that identifies the type of an approach. ( “0” is used to identify an LPV approach procedure and a “1” indicates a Category I approach procedure)Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
SBAS provider844TextIdentifier of a particular satellite-based approach system service providerSBAS onlyAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
RPDS845TextReference path data selector (RPDS) - A numerical identifier that is unique on a frequency in the broadcast region and used to select the FAS data block.GBAS onlyAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
RPI846TextReference Path Identifier - A four-character identifier that is used to confirm selection of the correct approach procedure.Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
LTP/FTPOrthometric height907ElevationThe height of the LTP/FTP as related to the geoid and presented as an MSL elevationAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Position905PointLatidude and Longitude of the LTP/FTPAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Ellipsoid height906ElevationThe height of the LTP/FTP above the WGS-84 ellipsoidAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
FPAPPosition908PointLatitude and Longitude of the FPAPAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Orthometric height909AltitudeThe height of the FPAP as related to the geoid and presented as an MSL elevationAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
TCH849HeightApproach Threshold Crossing Height (TCH) - The designated crossing height of the flight path angle above the LTP (or FTP).Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
GPA850ValueGlide Path Angle (GPA) - The angle of the approach path (glide path) with respect to the horizontal plane defined according to WGS-84 at the LTP/FTP.Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Course Width at threshold851ValueThe semi-width of the lateral course width at the LTP/FTP, defining the lateral offset at which the receiver will achieve full-scale deflection.Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Delta Length Offset852DistanceThe distance from the stop end of the runway to the FPAP.It defines the location where lateral sensitivity changes to the missed approach sensitivity.Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
HAL853ValueHorizontal Alert LimitSBAS onlyAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
VAL854ValueVertical Alert LimitSBAS onlyAnnex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
FAS Data Block855TextBinary string describing the Final Approach Segment (FAS) data block generated with an appropriate software tool. The FAS data block is set of parameters to identify a single precision approach or APV and define its associated approach Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
CRC Remainder856TextAn 8-character hexadecimal representation of the calculated\nremainder bits used to determine the integrity of the FAS data block data during transmission and storage.Annex 4 11.10.9, Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.19.3; Doc 8168 Vol II Part III, Section II, Appendix A and B to Chapter 6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Procedure FixIdentification911TextNames, coded designators or name-codes assigned to the significant point.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.23; Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
ATC Reporting requirements912TextIndication of ATS / MET reporting requirement “compulsory”, “on-request” or \"nil\"SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
VFR Reporting point913TextBridge, Church NameVFRDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.23; Annex 4 App 2 Page 2-18SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Position914PointGeographical location of the fixEn-route navaids and fixes,holding, STAR/SID points / Final approach fixes/points and other essential fixes/points comprising the instrument approach procedureDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.23; Annex 4; Annex 11 App 5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Type 915TextIndication of the type of fix, such as: Navaid, Int, WPTDoc 10066 App 2 AIP AD 2.23; Annex 4 k) k) i)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
FormationBearing918BearingThe bearing from the reference VOR/DME, if the waypoint is not collocated with it;Bearing used for the formation of a terminal fix / Bearing used for the formation of an instrument approach procedure fixAnnex 4 b) b) 11.10.4 App 6; Annex 11 App 5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Navaid917TextThe station identification of the reference VOR/DMEAnnex 4 b) b) 11.10.4 App 6; Annex 11 App 5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Distance919DistanceThe distance from the reference VOR/DME, if the waypoint is not collocated with it;Distance used for the formation of a terminal and instrument approach procedure fixAnnex 4 b) b) 11.10.4 App 6; Annex 11 App 5SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Procedure HoldingIdentification921TextIdentification of the holding procedureAnnex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Fix922PointGeographical location that serves as a reference for a holding procedure.Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Inbound course923AngleInbound true courseDoc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Outbound course924AngleOutbound true courseAnnex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Leg distance925DistanceOutbound distance of the leg Doc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Leg time926ValueOutbound time of the legDoc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Limiting radial927AngleLimiting radial from the VOR/DME on which the holding is basedDoc 8168 Vol II Part II, Section4; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Turn direction928ValueDirection of the procedure turnAnnex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Minimum altitude929AltitudeMinimum holding level to the nearest higher 50 m or 100 ft/flight levelDoc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Maximum altitude930AltitudeMaximum holding level to the nearest higher 50 m or 100 ft/flight levelDoc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Speed931ValueMaximum indicated air speedDoc 8168, Vol II, Part III, Section 5, 2.1.j 2.2.k; Annex 4 d) d) g)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Magnetic variationDate935DateThe date on which the magnetic variation had the coresponding value.Doc 8168, Vol 2, Part 3, Chapter 7; Annex 4 d) d) gSG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Angle934AngleThe magnetic variation of the radio navigation aid of the procedureDoc 8168, Vol 2, Part 3, Chapter 7; Annex 4 d) d) gSG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Nav Spec Name933TextName of the Navigation Specification - set of aircraft and aircrew requirements needed to support a navigation application within a defined airspace conceptRNAV/RNPDoc 9613; Annex 4 d) d) gSG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Helicopter Procedure SpecificsHelicopter Procedure Title (RNAV 263)937TextIdentification of the helicopter procedureAnnex 4 a) 1) k)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
HCH938HeightHeliport crossing heightAnnex 4; Annex 14 Vol II App 1 Table A1-2SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
IDF939PointInitial departure fixDEPDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, 1.4SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
MAPt940PointMissed Approach PointAPCHAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Direct Visual SegmentBearing950AngleFor PinS APP: the portion of flight that connects directly the PinS to the landing location. \nFor PinS DEP: the portion of flight that connects directly the landing location to the IDFDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, 2.12.7 d); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Distance949DistanceFor PinS APP: the portion of flight that connects directly the PinS to the landing location. \nFor PinS DEP: the portion of flight that connects directly the landing location to the IDFDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, 2.12.7 d); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Track948LineFor PinS APP: the portion of flight that connects directly the PinS to the landing location. \nFor PinS DEP: the portion of flight that connects directly the landing location to the IDFAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Crossing height951HeightFor PinS APP: the portion of flight that connects directly the PinS to the landing location. \nFor PinS DEP: the portion of flight that connects directly the landing location to the IDFAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Manoeuvring VSNo Manoeuvring Area954PolygonArea where manoeuvring is prohibited APCH \nDEPDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, and 2.12.7 e); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Center line952AngleCentre line of take-off climb surfaceDEPDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV,; Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Manoeuvring Area953PolygonArea where the pilot is expected to manoeuvre visually APCH \nDEPDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, and 2.12.7 e); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Ingress Tracks955LineManoeuvring Visual Segment - PinS visual segment protected for the following manoeuvres: For PinS APCH: Visual manoeuvre from the MAPt around the heliport or landing location to land from a direction other than directly from the MAPt. For PinS DEP: Take-off in a direction other than directly to the IDF followed by visual manoeuvre to join the instrument segment at the IDF.APCH \nDEPDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, and 2.12.7 f); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
HASHeight above Surface957HeightHeight above surface diagramAPCHDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, 2.12.7 h); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Radius956DistanceHeight above surface diagramAPCHDoc 8168 Vol II, Part IV, 2.12.7 h); Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Proceed Visually Text944TextText indicating that the procedure has Proceed Visually instructionAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Proceed VFR Text945TextText indicating that the procedure has Proceeed VFR instructionAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
VSDA946ValueVisual segment descent angle Annex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Ingress TracksWidth959DistanceAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Bearing960AngleAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Length958DistanceAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
AITFNon-align between Instrument and Visual Slope Indications962TextAnnex 4 13.6.1SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Missed Approach Description963TextMissed approach description for the procedureAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
SID/STAR Route Description964TextTextual description of the SID or STAR procedureAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Missed Apch Climb Gradient965Valuethe value of the missed apprach climb gradient for the approach procedureAnnex 4 11.10.9SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
CAT D Large967TextAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Authorization Required968TextIndication that RNP AR Annex 4 11.6SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Units of Measure969TextAnnex 4 h)SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Comm Failure971TextCommunication failure descriptionDoc 8168 Vol 2; Annex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Surveillance/Radar Required972TextAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
SID Close-in Obstacle Note973TextIndication\nwherever close-in obstacles exist which were not considered in the determination of the published procedure\ndesign gradientAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
Off-Set Alignment 974TextDoc 8168SG PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
PDG greater then 3%975TextAnnex 4 PANS-OPS FOCA-SIFS
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