AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :


Number of rows: 47
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution ADQ HL-Ref IFR Accuracy IFR Integrity VFR Accuracy VFR Integrity NatDqr Reference
Designator67TextThe full textual designator of the runway, used to uniquely identify it at an aerodrome/heliport. E.g. 09/27, 02R/20L, RWY 1.AIP AD 2.12.1; Annex 4 3.6 b) 6.4 13.6.1.d)VFR AD INFO
Nominal length68DistanceThe declared longitudinal extent of the runway for operational (performance) calculations.AIP AD 2.12.3; Annex 4 a) 4.9.1 a) c) 13.6.1. d) mcriticalsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD0051 mcritical1 mroutineVFR AD INFO
Nominal width69DistanceThe declared transversal extent of the runway for operational (performance) calculations.AIP AD 2.12.3; Annex 4 a) 4.9.1 a) c) 13.6.1. d) messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ft1 mLD0071 messential1 mroutineVFR AD INFO
Geometry70PolygonGeometries of RunwayElement, RunwayDisplacedArea and RunwayIntersectionAMDB; Annex 4 3.5.1 4.9.1 b) 13.6.1 d)
Centre line pointsPosition108PointThe geographical location of runway centre line at each end of the runway, at the stopway and at the origin of each take-off flight path area, and at each significant change in slope of runway and stopwayDefinition from Annex 4 14 I App 5 A5-1; Annex 4 Ch 3 and 4, 5; AMDB1 mcriticalsurveyedLL0201 mcritical1 mroutineLSGL, LSGU
Geoid undulation110HeightThe geoid undulation at the correspoding centre line pointAMDB
Elevation109ElevationThe elevation of the corresponding centre line point. \n(See Annex 14 I 2.3.2: ---- for non-precision approaches … any significant high and low intermediate points along the runway shall be measured to the accuracy of one-half metre or foot…) Annex 4 I 2.3.2; Annex 14 I App 5 A5-2; Annex 4 Ch 3 and 4, 5; AMDB0.25 mcriticalsurveyedEH0130.25 mcritical0.5 mroutineLSGL, LSPU
RWY exit lineColour112TextColour of runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDB
Directionality114Code ListDirectionality of RWY exit line (one-way or two-way)AIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDB
Style113TextStyle of runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), AMDB
Exit guidance line111LineThe geographical location of the runway exit lineAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 4 13.6.1 g), Annex 14, AMDB0.5 messentialsurveyed1/100 sec1 secLL0250.5 messential
Surface type73TextThe surface type of the runway defined as specified in Annex 14 Volume IAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.5.1VFR AD INFO
StrengthPCN115TextPavement classification numberApplicable until 27 November 2024AIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
PCR1369TextPavement classification ratingAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Evaluation method119TextThe evaluation method usedAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Allowable pressure118TextMaximum allowable tire pressure category or maximum allowable tire pressure valueAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Subgrade category117TextSubgrade strength categoryAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Runway strength for paved runways1065ValueRunway strength in MPW (maximum permissible weight) for asphalt and concrete runwaysVFRM1 kgroutineVFR AD INFO
Pavement type116TextPavement type for aircraft classification number — pavement classification number (ACN-PCN) determinationApplicable until 27 November 2024AIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Pavement type1370TextPavement type of aircraft classification rating - pavement classification rating (ACR-PCR) determinationAIP AD 2.12.4; Annex 4 Chapter d) 13.6.1 d); Annex 14 I 2.6.2VFR AD INFO
Runway strength for grass runways1066ValueRunway strength in MPa (Max. tire pressure) for grass runwaysVFRM0.01 MparoutineVFR AD INFO
StripWidth121DistanceThe transversal extent of the runway strip AIP AD 2.12.10; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mroutine
Length120DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway strip. AIP AD 2.12.10; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 b)1 mroutine
Surface type122TextThe surface type of the runway stripAnnex 14 I 2.5.1 b)
ShoulderSurface type126TextThe surface type of the shoulderAIP AD 2.12.14; AMDB
Geometry125PolygonThe geographical location of the shouldersAMDB
Width127DistanceThe width of the runway shoulderAIP AD 2.12.14; Annex 14 I App 5 Table A5-51 messentialsurveyed1 m or 1 ftLD0191 messential
BlastpadGeometry128PolygonThe geographical location of the blastpadAMDB
Obstacle free zone78TextExistence of an obstacle-free zone for a precision approach runway category Iwhen providedAIP AD 2.12.13, Annex 14 I 2.5.1 a)
RWYmarkingType129TextType of runway marking AIP AD 2.9.2; AMDB
Geometry131PolygonThe geographical location of the runway markingAnnex 4 13.6.1 d); AMDB
Description130TextDescription of the runway markingsAIP AD 2.9.2; Annex 14 2.5.1 g)
RWY center line LGTSpacing133DistanceSpacing of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)1 mroutine
Position136PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway center line lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Intensity135TextIntensity of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)
Colour134TextColour of runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)
RCLL availability 1068Code listAvailiability of centre line lightsVFRMVFR AD INFO
Length132DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway centre line lightsAIP AD 2.14.6; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)1 mroutine
RWY Edge LGTIntensity140TextIntensity of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)
REDL availability1069Code listAvailability of runway edge lightsVFRMVFR AD INFO
Spacing138DistanceSpacing of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)1 mroutine
Length137DistanceThe longitudinal extent of the runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)1 mroutine
Position141PointGeographical location of each individual light of the runway edge lightsAnnex 4 13.6.1 m); AMDB
Colour139TextColour of runway edge lightsAIP AD 2.14.7; Annex 14 I 2.5.1 g)
Restriction82TextDescription of restrictions imposed on runwayAMDB
Reference CodeNumber978Code listA number based on the aeroplane reference field lengthAnnex 14 I 1.6
Letter979Code listA letter based on the aeroplane wingspan and outer main gear wheel spanAnnex 14 I 1.6
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