AIM Data Catalogue

All properties and sub-properties of :

Procedure Segment

Number of rows: 17
Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Accuracy Integrity Origin type Pub. Resolution Chart Resolution ADQ HL-Ref IFR Accuracy IFR Integrity VFR Accuracy VFR Integrity NatDqr Reference
Start830TextIdentification of the start point of the segmentAnnex 4 a) 3) a) 2)essential
End831TextIdentification of the end point or a description of the end of the segmentAnnex 4 a) 3) a) 2)essential
End fix functionality832Code listIndication if the end fix is a fly-by point (A waypoint which requires turn anticipation to allow tangential interception of the next segment of a\nroute or procedure) or fly-over point (A waypoint at which a turn is initiated in order to join the next segment of a route or procedure)PBNAnnex 4 11.10.9
End fix role833Code listIndication of the role of the end fix (MAPt, IF, IAF, FAF, MAHF…)Doc 8168, Vol II, Part I, Section 2, 2,2.2 Terminal Area Fixes; Annex 4 11.10.9
Procedure altitude/height834Altitude/HeightA specified altitude/height flown operationally at or above the minimum altitude/height and established to accommodate a stabilized descent ata prescribed descent gradient/angle in the intermediate/final approach segment.SID, STAR, APCH\ncertain segments onlyAnnex 4 11.10.6as specified in Doc 8168essentialEH027100 ftcritical
MOCA835AltitudeThe minimum altitude for a defined segment that provides the required obstacle clearance.SID, STAR, APCHAnnex 4 published in Switzerland
Distance836DistanceGeodesic distance to the nearest tenth of a kilometer or tenth of a nautical mile between each successive\ndesignated significant point;Doc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 11.10.6 App 61/100 kmessentialcalculated1/100 km or 1/100 NM1 km or 1 NMLD0041/100 kmessential
True bearing837BearingTrue track to the nearest tenth of a degree to the nearest degree between each successive\nsignificant point;SID, STAR, APCHDoc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 9.8.1 10.8.1 11.9.1 11.10.6 12.9.11/10 degreeroutinecalculated1/10 degree1 degreeBR002;\nBR0031/10 degreeroutine
Magnetic bearing838BearingMagnetic track to the nearest tenth of a degree to the nearest degree between each successive\nsignificant point;SID, STAR, APCHDoc 8169 Vol II Part III, Sec 5, Ch 2; Annex 11 App 5; Annex 4 9.8.1 10.8.1 11.9.1 11.10.6 12.9.11/10 degreeroutinecalculated1 degree1 degreeBR002;\nBR0031/10 degreeroutine
Gradient839ValueAPCH, DEPAnnex 4 1/10 degree\rDEP and Missed APCH 0.1%critical
Speed840ValueSpeed limit at a significant point, expressed in units of 10 knots applicableAnnex 4 ktsroutine
Controlling obstacleElevation904ElevationElevation of the top of the controlling obstacleAPCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1see obstaclesEH029;\nEH030;\nEH031;\nEH032see obstacles
Type902TextIndication if the obstacle is lit/unlit, type of obstacle (church/windturbine,…)APCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1
Position903PointCoordinates of the controlling obstacleAPCH, DEPDoc 8168 Vol 2 Part 1 Section 3 Ch 5.1 e) Part 1 Section 4 Ch 5.1see obstaclesLL034;\nLL035;\nLL036;\nLL037see obstacles
PBN RequirementsNavigation sensor limitations1364TextAny navigation sensor limitations (GNSS required …)PBN
Functional requirements1365TextAny required functionalities that are described as options in the navigation specification, that is, not included in the core navigation specification (RF required …)PBN
Navigation specification1363Code listIdentification of the navigation specification (RNAV 5, PBN 0.3 …)PBN
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